Sunday, November 22, 2009

What I Am Thankful For...

It's been a nutso year, guys. A lot of stuff has changed: not being engaged anymore, my Papa is with Nana, I have one more semester of classes left (when did that happen?), and I have just become a completely different person in general. It seems that, a lot of the time, I complain about what I don't have and if I "just had this one thing my life would be better." But today, I am going to look back at the previous year and list the things I am thankful for. This may take a while ladies and gents, so if you are not in it for the long-haul...bugger off (and I mean this in the nicest way possible).

  • My family. We have been through some really crazy stuff, but through it all, we're still together and we still love each other. My parents have been so supportive of my life decisions, even if they don't exactly agree with them, and they are letting me learn the hard way. But, honestly, that's the only way I can learn. My dad has had so many surgeries this year, and I am just so thankful that he has come out of them just fine. He is on the road to recovery and out of his cast. :) Hopefully this is THE LAST of the surgeries. My mom has had a really hard time with losing Papa and work this year. But she has held in there tight and she is going to make it out. I am so thankful for her giving me a job in her office, even if I didn't exactly like the office lifestyle. I am thankful for her and dad helping me pay for my Europe trip. It's a lifelong dream finally realized! I love you both so much! My baby sister, Melanie, who is so much stronger than I will ever be. She is like my big sister at times, helps me get through the rough patches, and still loves me even when I mess up EPICALLY! Little One, you know I love you and I wouldn't trade our bond for anything on this planet. Uncle Mike, you have done so much for me this past year and I know it's been a hard one. But I am so thankful for you being around as my second dad, loving me even when I do stupid stuff (I feel like this is becoming a theme...haha!), and being there with Ma. To all my family, mentioned and not, I love you all and am thankful for having you in my life.

  • My home. This time last year I was freaking out because I honestly thought I was going to be homeless. But I have a beautiful home and it's just fantastic. Couldn't ask for a better place to live.

  • My job(s). I recognize how bad the economy is and even if I am working at crazy hours on a Saturday night or hanging out on my feet for an hour, passing hors d'oeuvres to (groping) older men, I am thankful for that. I am able to live comfortably, that is something awesome right now.

  • My faith. I have never been much of a religious person. But this year, between my anxiety attack rehab and Papa, I have been tested. But, this is going to sound so cheesey, my faith has gotten me through this. God is helping my family and me out. I know that things are going to get better. I just have a feeling, if you know what I mean.

  • Andrew. My best friend on the entire planet. I have put you through so much. At the end of the day, I don't tell you this enough, I thank God that you're in my life. You could have bailed out and pretty much kicked me to the curb, which I honestly deserved. But you have continued to be my friend after all the crap I pulled. You may not think you're strong, but you really are. Your compassion and understanding for what I have been going through has been near Sainthood. I'm sure a lot of our friends would agree. Just want you to know, you're pretty much always going to be Number One in my friend book and I will always love you.

  • My friends. You guys know who you are. You called me out, you made me feel awful about the mistakes I made, and you hugged me when I cried. There has been a time when I couldn't live with myself and the mistakes I made, so I had to push myself away from you. And let's face it, I was being a bi-otch. But that didn't stop me from loving you guys. You all had the chutzbah to tell me that I was in the wrong, and I recognize that now. I am just glad that I still have your friendship. I love you. (Another theme)

  • Maddie. This cat has gotten me through some hard stuff. And yes, she spars with me for my pillow, farts emphatically when I pick her up, and drives me bonkers, but my God, I love this cat. She is my soulmate and makes me feel so happy.